Kafka Paradise

How do we balance our need for others with our quest for freedom? Through partnering and group work, four performers explore the poetic potential of breakdance, into which they inject softness and fluidity. The collaboration that first develops becomes more and more alienating. In a Kafkaesque metamorphosis, the dancers achieve symbiosis before turning into a nest of vipers, then becoming cogs in a machine from which a new being emerges. Ruling sternly over its parts.
40 min or short version available
Cocreation of the choreography and performance:
Bérénice “B-Nice” Dupuis and David “Laos” Phiphak/Compagnie Circul’R
Jo Danny “Dingo” Aurélien, Charles “Mercenary” Gao
Rehearsal direction and outside eye:
Geneviève “Tonik” Gagné
Lighting design:
Tiffanie Boffa
Samuel “Sungprod” Nadai
Outside eyes:
Victoria “VicVersa” Mackenzie, Sovann Rochon-Prom Tep, Helen Simard